Road Safety – Incident Reporting – Saturday 28th November 2020
We have been contacted by Lyndsay Dring, who is Regional Manager for the BHS in the North West.
She has been working with both Lancashire Police and Lancashire County Council on a Road Safety Pilot Project, which has included the erection of the ‘dead slow’ road signs, featured recently on Facebook.
At present this is a Pilot Project to address an issue with road safety for equestrians, which has been highlighted using BHS incident reporting site.
Other measures are in place alongside the road signs and their overall effectiveness will be evaluated when the Pilot concludes in the next few months.
Reporting data will help decide where to take the Project next.
The area piloting this Project has flagged as a hot spot for road issues, as local riders have heavily reported their issues to the BHS Website
The BHS strongly advise anyone who has had an incident or near miss, to report each and every issue so they have clear statistics showing their area as a hot spot. This will inform where the Project is most needed.
The county is very large with many horse riders residing across it and resources are limited.
So, we ask if you are involved in any kind of incident whilst out hacking, please report your issues to:
Thank You and Stay Safe
Since 2003, the Ulnes Walton Bridleways Association has raised tens of thousands of pounds to construct and improve bridleways in the Borough and plan to continue raising more money for future path construction and improvements.
South Ribble Borough Council is looking at ways of ensuring access to horse riders on Bridleways across their land.
With this in mind UWBA are currently working with the SRBC to develop suitable maintenance and management strategies that will ensure the bridleways remain open to riders, and that they continue to benefit from the investment and the work they've done raising money.
If any horse owners and riders would like to know more about how they can play a role in fundraising, have any issues or concerns about management of the new bridleways or would like to know more about the Ulnes Walton Bridleways Association, they can contact the group through the website at:
Email from James Hick, CEO
Dear Equestrian Access Groups,
We hope that everyone is taking care of themselves and their loved ones during these unprecedented times. We fully appreciate and understand the seriousness of the current challenges faced by you all, as a result of the unfolding COVID-19 public health crisis. Rest assured we are closely monitoring the situation and its implications for us all, and the wider equestrian community, as you look to us for guidance and support.
However, it is critical that we all adhere to the latest advice given by the UK Government in order to limit the spread of Coronavirus. As we have seen over the past week, and indeed overnight, this advice can change significantly every day. Therefore, we will – from now on – review and, if appropriate, update our advice around COVID-19 concerns on the BHS website following the daily briefing from the Government.
However, we will continue to update specific content around welfare advice, help and support for all members as regularly as is appropriate
We all have a duty of care to our horses, yet we understand the challenges the new constraints on our own day to day lives present for many horse owners and those who care for them. We are listening to our members and I wanted to set out myself today our current guidance following the Prime Minister’s speech to the nation on 23rd March.
Horse welfare is critical and grooms or the sole carer for a horse should travel to provide care for horses. Where horses are kept in livery the BHS advises that horse owners respect the protocol put in place by the yard owner or manager and work as a team to agree a care plan for your horse(s).
There are no specific government guidelines for the question around whether we should still be out riding at present. Our strong advice is that it is not appropriate to put unnecessary pressure on the emergency services now or for the foreseeable future. It is incumbent on all of us to make an individual decision as to whether riding is necessary at all at this time. Decisions can only be taken based on individual circumstances but our choices should always be mindful of the potential impact for ourselves and others.
The BHS Gold Membership public liability insurance remains valid during the COVID-19 outbreak unless advised otherwise.
We are continually updating our advice and guidance documents to help and support you, including Advice for Horse Owners, Information for Yards, Centres and Schools, FAQs for Business Owners and the Government Business Support FAQs. Please visit the BHS Coronavirus (COVID-19) hub for regular updates, information and guidance for all equestrians:
To keep up to date with ongoing changes to travel, social distancing and isolation:
View the UK Government website:
Our BHS team of colleagues are working tirelessly to support you and the wider equestrian community during these difficult times.
Stay safe and look after your loved ones.
British Horse Society (Rouk) Ride Out UK
Help us raise money to restore your equestrian routes by ‘Saddling up’ this year, from May – October. There’s plenty of ways you can get involved from taking part in our hacking challenge to attending an organised ride. Your support will help every UK horse and rider have a safe place to ride off-road.
Development and history of UWBA from 2003 to present.

January 2003:
Committee formed and UWBA established.

Jan 2003- Oct 2005
Charity Commission status was obtained and we became ...

Early 2006
Work on Karla’s Way commenced

June 2006
Official Opening ceremony of Karla’s Way.
If you would like to get in touch then please use the information below:

Janet Berry

Jayne Grady
Committee Member

Patricia Kelly
Newsletter and Marketing

Sarah Veevers
Committee Member